Prof. Nicholas A. Ashford

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Tel: (617) 253-1664
Fax: (617) 452-2265


Professor of Technology and Policy
Director, Technology & Law Program
Sociotechnical Systems Research Center
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (E40-239)
Cambridge, MA   02139-4307, USA



J.D., (Juris Doctor) The Law School, University of Chicago

Substantial completion of program requirements for the MBA in Business and Labor Economics, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago

Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, University of Chicago

B.A., Chemistry, Washington University



1990                Recipient of the Macedo Award of the American Association for World Health for the most outstanding contribution to public health funded by a state health department.

1980                Elected as a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

1975                Lawrence R. Klein Award for the outstanding contribution to the Monthly Labor Review.



1992-Present              Professor of Technology and Policy, School of Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1988-Present              Faculty Associate, Institute for Work and Employment Research, MIT Sloan School of Management

1984-Present              Adjunct Faculty in Occupational Health Policy, Harvard School of Public Health

1978-Present              Adjunct Associate Professor of Public Health, Department of Socio-Medical Sciences and Community Medicine, Boston University School of Public Health

2002-Present              Faculty Associate, Environmental Policy Group, MIT Urban Studies Department


1998-1999                   Visiting Professor, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Faculty of Law and Centre for Environmental Studies and Delft University, Faculty of Technology, Policy, and Management

1978-1992                   Associate Professor of Technology and Policy, MIT School of Engineering

1983-1985                   Director, Center for Policy Alternatives, Massachusetts Institute of  Technology

1978-1983                   Assistant Director, Center for Policy Alternatives, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


US-Greek Joint Council on Technology Cooperation with the Balkans, Co-chair (1999-present)

American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fellow (1980-Present)
              Chair-elect, 2002, Section on the Societal Impacts of Science and Technology

Center for Auto Safety, Board of Directors, 2003 to present. 

United Nations Environment Programme, Member of the Advisory Committee on Environmental Technology Assessment

EPA National Advisory Council on Environmental Policy and Technology, Chairman of the Committee on Technology, Innovation and Economics (1988-1992)

American Public Health Association, Member of the Governing Council (1989-1991)

National Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health, former Chairman and Public Member (1976-1982)

Science Advisory Board of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Environmental Measurements Committee) (1978-1982)

State of Massachusetts Energy Advisory Board (1983-1985)

American Chemical Society (Division of Chemical Safety), Founding Member

Society for Occupational and Environmental Health, Governing Council; Vice President (1985-1986)

Collegium Ramazzini, Member of Council of Fellows

Council for Responsible Genetics, Member of the Founding Board of Directors


Journal of Environmental Policy and Governance, Editorial Board

Journal of Environmental Technology and Management, Editorial Board

Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, Editorial Board

Journal of Cleaner Production, Member of the International Editorial Advisory Board

International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, Editorial Board

American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Editorial Board



Technology, Globalization, & Sustainable Development                     ESD.137J/15.657J/1.813J

Environmental Law, Policy, and Economics                                        1.811J/ESD.133J/11.630J

Law, Technology, and Public Policy                                                   ESD.132J/15.655J

Regulation of Chemicals, Radiation & Biotechnology              1.812J/ESD.134J/11.631J

Technology, Law, and the Working Environment                               10.805J/ESD.135J



Cambridge University, Department of Environmental Engineering for Sustainable Development 2002-present

Cyprus University of Technology 2004-present

Erasmus University, Faculty of Law and Centre for Environmental Studies, Visiting Professor, 1998-1999.

Delft University, Faculty of Technology, Policy, and Management, visiting Professor, 1999.

Boston University School of Public Health, Adjunct Associate Professor of Public Health,

Department of Socio-Medical Sciences and Community Medicine, 1978-1985.

Franklin Pierce Law Center, Adjunct Professor of Law, 1975-1979.


DUTCH            Spoken and written

GERMAN         Spoken and written

GREEK            Spoken and written



Technology, Globalization, and Sustainable Development

Environmental law and economics

Trade Law

Governance and Environmental Decision-making

EU and U.S. Regulatory policy, law, and economics

Public and Stakeholder Participation

Governmental policy affecting technological innovation

Environmental/Occupational health and safety

Labor law and economics

Technology assessment

Technological innovation

Pollution prevention

Environmental justice


See also,+Nicholas&type=author


1.         Technology, Globalization and Sustainable Development: Transforming the Industrial State, N. A. Ashford and R. P Hall, Yale University Press, 2011, 720 pages. See:

            For presentations of the ideas addressed in this book see:


2.         Environmental Law, Policy, and Economics: Reclaiming the Environmental Agenda, N.A. Ashford and C.C. Caldart, MIT Press, 2008, 1088 pages. See

3.         Public Participation in Contaminated Communities, N.A. Ashford and K.M. Rest, 2001 (available at  /public-participation-contaminated-communities )

4.         Chemical Exposures: Low Levels and High Stakes N. A. Ashford and C. S. Miller, Second Edition, John Wiley Press, 1998, 440 pages. Available for free at Click on the picture of the book cover.

5.         Industrial Ecology, Nicholas A. Ashford and Raymond Côté (eds.), Special Issue of The Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 5, Number 1/2, 1997, 181 pp (available under ‘Special Issues: Industrial Ecology 1997’ at

6.         Occupational Health and Safety in British Columbia: An Administrative Inventory of the WCB Prevention Division, K. M. Rest and N. A. Ashford, Ashford Associates, Cambridge, MA. 1997, 208 pages.

7.         Technology, Law and the Working Environment, N.A. Ashford and C.C. Caldart, Second  Edition, Island Press, 1996, 641 pages.

8.         Worker Compensation for Radiation-Induced Illness: A Re-examination of Past Practices and Options for Change: A Report to the Department of Energy, N. A. Ashford, C. C. Caldart, D. B. Hattis and R. F. Stone, July 1996

9.         Occupational Safety and Health in British Columbia: An Administrative Inventory, K.M. Rest and N.A. Ashford, Ashford Associates, Cambridge, MA, 1992, 264 pp.

10.       Monitoring the Worker for Exposure and Disease: Scientific, Legal and Ethical Considerations in the Use of Biomarkers, N.A. Ashford, C.J. Spadafor, D.B. Hattis and C.C. Caldart, John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1990, 224 pp.

11.       Analyzing the Benefits of Health, Safety, and Environmental Regulations, N.A. Ashford et al., Cambridge: Center for Policy Alternatives at MIT, CPA-82-16, September 1982.

12.       Evaluating Chemical Regulations: Trade-Off Analysis and Impact Assessment for Environmental Decision-Making, N.A. Ashford, D. Hattis, G.R. Heaton, J.I. Katz, W.C. Priest, NTIS #PB81-195067, E.M. Zolt, 1980.

13.       Crisis in the Workplace: Occupational Disease and Injury, N.A. Ashford, A Report to the Ford Foundation, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, March 2, 1976, 579 pp.


  1. The Clean Air Act” N. A. Ashford and Charles C. Caldart in David Coates, Kathy Smith and Charles Walldorf (editors), The Oxford Companion to American Politics, New York: Oxford University Press, July 2012
  2. “Reducing Physical Hazards: Encouraging Inherently Safer Production” 2013. Chapter 17 in Robert Boethling .Adelina Voutchkova, and Paul Anastas (Eds) Designing Safer Chemicals Handbook of Green Chemistry Series 9:485-500, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany
  3. “Government Regulation of Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety in the United States and the European Union” Nicholas A. Ashford and Charles C. Caldart in Occupational and Environmental Health: Recognizing and Preventing Disease and Injury, 6th ed. Barry S. Levy, David H. Wegman, Rosie Sokas, and Sherry Baron (eds.), Oxford University Press 2010. Available at
  4. “Reflections on Environmental Liability Schemes In the United States and European Union: Limitations and Prospects For Improvement” Presented at the Conference on Environmental Liability, Piraeus Bar Association, Piraeus, Greece, 26-27 June 2009. Available at
  5. “Environmental Regulation, Globalization, and Innovation” Chapter 24 in Kevin P. Gallagher (ed.), Handbook on Trade and the Environment Edward Elgar: Chettendam and Northampton, 2009. Available at
  6. “Environmental and Occupational Health Protection Laws”, Nicholas A. Ashford and Charles C. Caldart in Encyclopedia of Public Health, Elsevier, 2008.  Available at
  7. “The Legacy Of The Precautionary Principle In U.S. Law: The Rise of Cost-Benefit Analysis and Risk Assessment as Undermining Factors in Health, Safety and Environmental Protection” in Sadeleer, Nicolas (ed.), Implementation Of The Precautionary Principle In The Nordic Countries: Lessons from the EU and the United States Earthscan, London, 2007, pp. 352-378. Available at
  8. “The Role of the United States–Greek Initiative for Technology Cooperation with the Balkans in Constructing a Unified Environmental Technology Plan” Nicholas A. Ashford and Christi Electris, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies Vol. 6, No. 3, September 2006, pp. 391–397.  Available at
  9. "Workers' Compensation," in Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 4th Edition, W.N. Rom (ed.), Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia, 2006. Available at
  10. “Government Regulation” Nicholas A. Ashford and Charles C. Caldart in Occupational and Environmental Health: Recognizing and Preventing Disease and Injury, 5th ed. Barry S. Levy and David H. Wegman (eds.), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia 2005, pp. 39-73Available at
  11. “Negotiated Regulation, Implementation and Compliance in the United States”, Nicholas A. Ashford and Charles C. Caldart in The Handbook of Environmental Voluntary Agreements Eduoardo Croci (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publisher – Environmental and Policy Series, 2005, pp.135-159.  Available at
  12. “Government and Environmental Innovation in Europe and North America” in ­Towards Environmental Innovation Systems Matthias Weber and Jens Hemmelskamp (eds.) Springer, Heidelberg, 2005, pp. 159-174.  ISBN 3-540-22322-3.  Available at
  13. “Pathways to Sustainability: Evolution or Revolution?” in Regional Development and Conditions for Innovation in the Network Society, Marina van Geenhuizen, David V. Gibson, and Manuel V. Heitor (eds.), Purdue University Press, 2005, pp. 35-59. Available at
  14. “Sustainable Development and Globalisation: New Challenges and Opportunities for Work Organisation” in Promoting New Forms of Work Organization and Other Cooperative Arrangements for Competitiveness and Employability, Christina Nova-Kaltsouni and Michael Kassotakis (eds.), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, (2004) pp. 50-61. Available at
  15. “Justice in the Global Work Life: The Right to Know, to Participate, and to Benefit in Sustainable Industrial Transformations,” Proceedings of the High-level Conference on Work Life in the 21st Century, 15-17 October 2001, Helsinki, in People and Work Research Reports 49:74-78, the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, 2002. Available at
  16. “Pathways to Sustainability: Evolution or Revolution?” in Innovation and Regional Development in the Network Society, Marina van Geenhuizen, David V. Gibson, and Manuel V. Heitor (eds.), Purdue University Press, 2005, pp. 35-59. Available at
  17. “Innovation – The Pathway to Threefold Sustainability” in The Steilmann Report: The Wealth of People: An Intelligent Economy for the 21st Century Lehner, Franz, Charles, Anthony, Bieri, Stephan, and Paleocrassas, Yannis (eds.) Brainduct ® - digital edition, 2001 pp 233-274, based on Ashford, Nicholas A., “Technological, Organisational, and Social Innovation as Pathways to Sustainability.” Available at
  18. "Multiple Chemical Intolerance and Indoor Air Quality", C. S. Miller and N. A. Ashford in Indoor Air Quality Handbook, J. Spengler, J. M. Samet, and J. F. McCarthy (Eds.), McGraw-Hill, New York, 2000, chapter 27, 32 pages. Available at
  19. "An Innovation-Based Strategy for a Sustainable Environment," in Innovation-Oriented Environmental Regulation: Theoretical Approach and Empirical Analysis, J. Hemmelskamp, K. Rennings, F. Leone (Eds.) ZEW Economic Studies. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, New York 2000, pp 67-107 (Proceedings of the International Conference of the European Commission Joint Research Centre, Potsdam, Germany, 27-29 May 1999.)   Available at
  20. "Government Regulation of Occupational Health and Safety," in Occupational Health:  Recognizing and Preventing Work-Related Disease, Fourth Edition, B. S. Levy and D. H. Wegman (eds.), Little Brown, Boston, 1999.
  21. "The Economic and Social Context of Special Populations", in Special Populations in Occupational Health Frumkin, Howard and Pransky, Glenn (eds.), Occupational Medicine: State of the Art Reviews 14(3), 1999, pp 485-493.
  22. "The Influence of Information-based Initiatives and Negotiated Environmental Agreements on Technological Change" in Voluntary Approaches in Environmental Policy, C. Cararro and F. Leveque (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Lancaster, UK 1999, pp 137-150.
  23. "A Conceptual Framework For The Use of the Precautionary Principle in Environmental Law,” in Raffensperger, C. and Tickner, J. (eds.) Protecting Public Health and the Environment:  Implementing the Precautionary Principle Washington DC: Island Press 1999, pp 198-206.
  24. "Shifting the Focus of Occupational Health and Safety Services", Nicholas A. Ashford and Kathleen M. Rest in Evaluation in Occupational Health Practice, Eva Menckel and Peter Westerholm (Eds.), Butterworth Heinemann, 1999, pp 221-227.
  25. Forward to Making Microchips: Policy, Globalization, and Economic Restructuring in the Semiconductor Industry, J. Mazurek, MIT Press, 1998.
  26. "Economic Issues in Occupational Health and Safety," N. A. Ashford and R. F. Stone, in Environmental and Occupational Medicine, W.N. Rom (ed.), Little, Brown & Company, Boston, MA, 1998, pp 1681-1690.
  27. "Workers' Compensation," in Environmental and Occupational Medicine, W.N. Rom (ed.), Little, Brown & Company, Boston, MA, 1998, pp 1709-1714.
  28. "International Control of Occupational and Environmental Health Hazards," in International Occupational and Environmental Medicine, L. E. Fleming, J. Herzstein, and W. B. Bunn, OEM Press, Boston, 1997, pp 47-62.
  29. "The Corporate Role in Protecting Health Safety and The Environment" in Biopolitics: Business Strategy for the Bio-Environment, Vol. III, A. Vlavianos-Arvanitis (ed.), proceedings of the International Conference, Athens, Greece, October 1995, Biopolitics International Organization, Athens, Greece, 1996, pp 145-156.
  30. "Value Judgements and Risk Assessment," and "Future Directions in Reducing Occupational and Environmental Risks:  A Warning Against Over-reliance on Risk Assessment Approaches," in Chemical Risk Assessment and Occupational Health:  Current Applications, Limitations, and Future Prospects, C. M. Smith, D. C. Christiani, and K. T. Kelsey (eds.), Auburn House, Westport, CT., 1994, pp 197-202; 225-227.
  31. "An Innovation-Based Strategy for the Environment," in Worst Things First? The Debate Over Risk-based National Environmental Priorities, A. M. Finkel and D. Golding (eds.), Resources for the Future, Washington, DC, 1994, pp. 275-314. 
  32. "Promoting Technological Changes in the Workplace: Public and Private Initiatives," in Technological Change in the Workplace: Health Impacts for Workers, M. Brown and J. Froines (eds.), UCLA Institute of Industrial Relations, Los Angeles, CA, 1993, pp 23-36.
  33. "Understanding Technological Responses of Industrial Firms to Environmental Problems: Implications for Government Policy," in Environmental Strategies for Industry: International Perspectives on Research Needs and Policy Implications, K. Fischer and J. Schot (eds.), Island Press, Washington, DC, 1993, pp 277-307. Available at
  34. "Technological Imperatives--Challenges and Solutions" in Biopolitics: The Bio-Environment, Vol. IV, A. Vlavianos-Arvanitis and R. Keles (eds.), proceedings of the Fifth B.I.O. International Conference, Istanbul, May, 1992, Biopolitics International Organization, Athens, Greece, 1993, pp 53-58.
  35. "Case Definitions for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity," N.A. Ashford and C.S. Miller; "Allergy and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Distinguished," and "Possible Mechanisms for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity:  The Limbic System and Others," C.S. Miller and N.A. Ashford, in Multiple Chemical Sensitivities: Addendum to Biological Markers in Immunotoxicology, National Research Council, Washington, DC, 1992, pp 41-45; 47-63; 139-147. 
  36. "Chemical Sensitivity and Low-Level Exposures: Scientific and Policy Considerations," N.A. Ashford and C.S. Miller, in Quality of the Indoor Environment, J. Lester, R. Perry, and G. Reynolds (eds.), Selper, Ltd., London, 1992, pp 49-70. 
  37. "Liability, Innovation, and Safety in the Chemical Industry," N.A. Ashford and R.F. Stone, in The Liability Maze: The Impact of Liability Law on Safety and Innovation, Robert Litan and Peter Huber (eds.), Brookings Institution, Washington, DC, 1991, pp 367-427.  Available at
  38. "Medical Screening for Carcinogens: Legal and Ethical Considerations," in Molecular Dosimetrical Human Cancer: Analytical, Epidemiological and Social Considerations, J.D. Groopman and P.L. Skipper (eds.), Telford Press, West Caldwell, NJ, 1991, pp 417-442.
  39. Introduction to Making Cancer Policy by Mark E. Rushefsky, State University of New York Press, 1986.
  40. "Science and Science Policy Considerations Concerning the Regulation of Silica," Silica, Silicosis and Cancer, D. Goldsmith, D. Winn, and C. Shy (eds.), proceedings of an international symposium, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, April 3-5, 1984. Praeger, New York, 1985, pp. 519-522.
  41. "Policy Issues in Technology Transfer," in The Export of Hazard, Jane Ives (ed.), Routledge & Kegan Paul, Ltd., London, 1985, pp. 128-141.
  42. "The 'Right to Know': Toxics Information Transfer in the Workplace," N.A. Ashford and Charles C. Caldart, The Annual Review of Public Health (eds.), L. Breslow, J.E. Fielding, and L.B. Lave, Volume 6, May 1985, pp. 383-401.
  43. "Worker Involvement in Technological Choices Affecting Occupational Health and Safety: The American Experience," in Work and Health in the 1980's, International Institute for Comparative Social Research/Labor Policy, 1985, pp. 269-280.
  44. "Legal Considerations of Reproductive Hazards in Industry in the United States," in Pregnant Women at Work, Geoffrey Chamberlain (ed.), The Royal Society of Medicine and The Macmillan Press Ltd., London, 1984, pp. 225-239.
  45. "The Role of Advisory Committees in Resolving Regulatory Issues Involving Science and Technology: Experience from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency," in Resolving Regulatory Issues Involving Science and Technology, Nyhart and Carrow (eds.), Lexington Books, D.C. Heath & Co., Lexington, MA, 1983, pp. 165-173.
  46. "Federal Regulation of Toxic Substances in the Workplace," Safety Evaluation and Regulation of Chemicals, F.J. Homburger (ed.), (Basle 1983), Proceedings of the First International Conference on Safety Evaluation and Regulation of Chemicals, Boston 1982, pp. 58-65.
  47. "The Conflict Over Workplace Inspections," in Legal and Ethical Dilemmas in Occupational Health, Lee and Rom (eds.), Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, 1982, pp. 141-147.
  48. "Regulatory Responses to Carcinogens, Mutagens, and Teratogens," in Quantitative Risk in Standards Setting, Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements held on April 2-3, 1980, National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, ISSN 0195-7740, April 3, 1981, pp. 34-43.
  49. "Legal Implications of Working with Carcinogens," in Carcinogens in Industry and Environment, James M. Sontag (ed.), Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1981, pp. 47-76.
  50. "Regulatory Policy for Mutagens and Teratogens," Genetics and the Law II, A. Milunsky and G. Annas (eds.), Plenum Press, New York, 1980, pp. 413-419.
  51. "Economic Issues in Occupational Health and Safety," pp. 66-80, "The Shape of a Solution," pp. 84-95, "The Foreign Experience and Its Relevance to the United States," N.A. Ashford et al., pp. 324-361, in Protecting People at Work, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, DC, 1980.
  52. "Environmental, Health and Safety Regulations and Technological Innovation," N.A. Ashford, G.R. Heaton, W.C. Priest, in Technological Innovation for a Dynamic Economy, C. T. Hill and J. M. Utterback (eds.), Pergamon Press, Inc., NY, 1979, pp. 161-221.    Available at
  53. "The Effects of Health, Safety, and Environmental Regulation on Technological Change in the Chemical Industry: Theory and Evidence," N.A. Ashford and G.R. Heaton, in Federal Regulation and Chemical Innovation, C.T. Hill (ed.), American Chemical Society, 1979, pp. 45-66.


  1. Letter to the Editor: “Trade Policy” Winter 2014 Issues in Science and Technology:14-16. Available at
  2. Book Review: “Climate Change Geoengineering: Philosophical Perspectives, Legal Issues, Governance Frameworks, edited by Wil C. G. Burns and Andrew L. Strauss. Anthem Enviroexperts Review. Available at
  3. “A Four-day Workweek: a Policy for Improving Employment and Environmental Conditions in Europe” (2013). N. A. Ashford and G. Kallis. The European Financial Review April-May 2013, pp. 53-58. Available at
  4. “‘Friday off’: Reducing Working hours in Europe” (2013). Giorgos Kallis, Michael Kalush, Hugh O’Flynn, Jack Rossiter, and Nicholas Ashford, Sustainability 4(5):1545-1567. Available at Type in “Ashford” in author search.
  5. “Addressing the Crisis in Employment and Consumer Demand: Reconciliation with Financial and Environmental Sustainability” (2012). N. A Ashford, R. P. Hall, and R. Ashford. The European Financial Review October-November 2012, pp. 63-68. Available at
  6. “Broadening Capital Acquisition with the Earnings of Capital as a Means of Sustainable Growth and Environmental Sustainability” (2012). R. Ashford, R. P. Hall, and N. A Ashford. The European Financial Review October-November 2012, pp. 70-74. Available at
  7. “The Crisis in Employment and Consumer Demand: Reconciliation with Environmental Sustainability” (2012). N. A. Ashford, R. P. Hall, and R.H. Ashford.  Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Volume 2, Issue 1 Available at:
  8. “The Importance of Regulation-Induced Innovation for Sustainable Development” N. A. Ashford and R. P. Hall (2011). Sustainability 3(1): 270-292. Available at Type in “Ashford” in author search.

Based on an article previously published in EKONOMIAZ:Revista Vasca de Economia, Número 75. III/10, ECO-INNOVACIÓN. MÁS ALLÁ DE LOS FACTORES, LA PRODUCTIVIDAD DE LOS RECURSOS NATURALES. English: Environmental Regulation, Globalization, and Innovation: Integrating Industrial, Environmental, and Trade Policies. Available at Spanish: Regulación medioambiental, globalización e innovación: integración de las políticas industriales, medioambientales y comerciales Available at

See also: “Regulation-Induced Innovation for Sustainable Development” N. A. Ashford and R. P. Hall (2012).Administrative & Regulatory News 37(3):21-23, American Bar Association.

  1. ‘The Importance of Regulation-Induced Innovation for Sustainable Development”. 2011. Sustainability.  Available at
  2. “Rethinking the Role of Information in Chemicals Policy: Implications for TSCA and REACH”, Lars Koch and Nicholas A. Ashford, Journal of Cleaner Production 14(1): 31-46 2006.  Revised version published in Environmental Law Network International 2(2005):22-37.  Available at Revised version published in Environmental Law Network International 2(2005):22-37.Available at
  3. “Implementing the Precautionary Principle: Incorporating Science, Technology, Fairness, and Accountability in Environmental, Health, and Safety Decisions” International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, 5(2/3/4):112-124, 2005. Based on an article found in Int J Occup Med Environ Health, 2004; 17(1): 59-67 and reprinted in Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 2005; 11(1): 85-96. Available at
  4. 76. “Scientific, Ethical and Legal Challenges in Work-Related Genetic Testing in the United States,” Eur. J. Oncol. Library, 4: 33-59, 2005. Available at
  5. “Major Challenges To Engineering Education For Sustainable Development: What Has To Change To Make It Creative, Effective, And Acceptable To The Established Disciplines”, Presented at the Conference on Engineering Education in Sustainable Development, 24-25 October 2002, Delft, The Netherlands.  Expanded version in International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 3(4): 2004. Available at
  6. “The Feasibility of Encouraging Inherently Safer Production in Industrial Firms”. Zwetsloot,  GIJM and Ashford NA, Safety Science 2003; 41(2/3):210-240. Available at
  7. “Pathways To Sustainable Industrial Transformations: Cooptimising Competitiveness, Employment, And Environment* Presented at the Conference on Engineering Education in Sustainable Development, 24-25 October 2002, Delft, The Netherlands.
  8. “Technology-Focused Regulatory Approaches For Encouraging Sustainable Industrial Transformations: Beyond Green, Beyond The Dinosaurs, And Beyond Evolutionary Theory”, Presented at the 3rd Blueprint Workshop on Instruments for Integrating Environmental and Innovation Policy, 26-27 September 2002, Brussels.
  9. “The Crisis in U.S. and International Cancer Policy” S. S. Epstein, N. A. Ashford, B. Blackwelder, G. Cohen, E. Goldsmith, A. Mazzocchi, and Q. D. Young, International Journal of Health Services, 32(4): 669-707, 2002.  at
  10. “Inherently Safer Production, A Natural Complement to Cleaner Production” Zwetsloot G. and N. A. Ashford (2002), Industry and Environment 25(3-4): 84-87, UN Environmental Programme, Paris.
  11. Pathways to Sustainable Industrial Transformations: Cooptimizing Competitiveness, Employment, and Environment Nicholas A. Ashford, Wim Hafkamp, Frits Prakke, Philip Vergragt, et al., 30 June 2001, ASHFORD ASSOCIATES, Cambridge, MA 02139. See
  12.  “Implementing A Precautionary Approach In Decisions Affecting Health, Safety, And The Environment: Risk, Technology Alternatives, and Tradeoff Analysis” in The Role of Precaution in Chemicals Policy, Favorita Papers 01/2002, Elisabeth Freytag, Thomas Jakl, Gerhard Loibl, Michael Wittmann (eds.), Diplomatic Academy, Vienna, pp. 128-140.  Available at
  13. “The Feasibility of Encouraging Inherently Safer Production in Industrial Firms” Zwetsloot G.I.J.M. and N. Askounes Ashford, in a Special Issue on Safety and Design, Safety Science, 2003, 41(2/3):219-240.  E. Fadier Guest Editor. Available at
  14. “Government and Innovation in Europe And North America“, in a Special Issue on Ecological Modernization, Sonnenfeld, David and Mol, Arthur, (Eds.) American Behavioral Scientist, Volume 45, No. 9, pp. 1417-1434, 2002.  Available at
  15. "Negotiated Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety agreements in the United States: Lessons for Policy", N. A. Ashford and C.C. Caldart, in Journal of Cleaner Production, 2001, Volume 9, Number 2, pp 99-120. Available at 
  16. "The Role of the Firm in Protecting Health, Safety, and the Environmental", in Greek American Trade: The Magazine of the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, September/October 1999, pp. 48-53.
  17. "Porter Debate Stuck in 1970s" in The Environmental Forum, Environmental Law Institute, Washington, D.C., September/October 1999, p.3. Available at
  18. "Compliance Costs: The Neglected Issue of Technological Innovation", in the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work Magazine, Bilbao, Fall 1999, pp. 30-33.
  19. "Encouraging Inherently Safer Production in European Firms: A Report from the Field" N.A. Ashford and G. Zwetsloot, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Special Issue on Risk Assessment and Environmental Decision Making, A. Amendola and D. Wilkinson (eds), 2000, pp 123-144.  Available at at
  20. "Low-level Chemical Sensitivity: Implications for Research and Social Policy", Brown, Amy and Myron Mehlman (eds.), Toxicology and Industrial Health: Special Issue on Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, April-June 1999, 15(3-4), pp. 421-7.  Available at
  21. "Social and Policy Implications of Low-Level Exposures to Chemicals", in Risk, Health, and Environment, NGO Background documents for the Third Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health and Parallel Healthy Planet Forum 16-18 June 1999, Maureen E. Butter (ed.), pp 31-34. Available at
  22. "The Economic and Social Context of Special Populations" in Special Populations in Occupational Health Frumkin, Howard and Pransky, Glenn (eds.), Occupational Medicine: State of the Art Reviews 14(3), 1999, pp 485-493. 
  23. "Negotiation as a Means of Developing and Implementing Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Policy" Charles C. Caldart and Nicholas A. Ashford, Harvard Environmental Law Review, 23(1):141-202, 1999. Available at
  24. "Low-Level Exposures to Chemicals Challenge Both Science and Regulatory Policy"  N.A. Ashford and C.S. Miller, Environmental Science and Technology, November 1998.
  25. "Empowering Workers To Negotiate Technological Change for Sustainability," N.A. Ashford, M.M. Mathiesen & R.F. Stone, November 1998.
  26. "Assessing and Rationalizing the Management of a Portfolio of Clean Technologies: Experience from a French Environmental Fund and a World Bank Cleaner Production Demonstration Project in China" N. Peltier & N.A. Ashford, Journal of Cleaner Production, 1998, 6:111-117.
  27. "Negotiation as a Means of Developing and Implementing Environmental Policy," C.C. Caldart and N.A. Ashford, Working Paper (Nota di Lavoro) 37.98 from the World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Venice, June 25-27, 1998.
  28. "Negotiation as a Means of Developing and Implementing Occupational Health and Safety Policy" C.C. Caldart and N.A. Ashford, Working Paper (Nota di Lavoro) 38.98 from the World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Venice, June 25-27, 1998.
  29. "The Importance Of Taking Technological Innovation Into Account in Estimating The Costs and Benefits Of Worker Health and Safety Regulation", in Costs and Benefits of Occupational Safety and Health: Proceedings of the European Conference on Costs and Benefits of Occupational Health and Safety 1997, The Hague, Holland, 28-30 May 1997, J. Mossink & F. Licher (eds.), 1998, pp 69-78. Available at
  30. "The Right to Know" The Courier, UNESCO, pp. 14-17, May 1998 (also published in French, Italian & Spanish).
  31. "Screening Junk: Letter to the Editor" Chemical and Engineering News, May 19 1997, p. 8.
  32. "Policies For The Promotion Of Inherent  Safety", New Solutions, Summer 1997, 5:46-52.
  33. "The Policy Framework For Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals", Human Environment, Summer 1997, pp 6-7.
  34. "Overview of the Special Issue on Industrial Ecology", Ashford, N. A. and Côté, R. P. (eds), Journal of Cleaner Production, 1997. 5(1/2), pp i-iv (available under ‘Special Issues: Industrial Ecology 1997’ at
  35. "Industrial Safety: The Neglected Issue in Industrial Ecology" in the Special Issue on Industrial Ecology,  Ashford, N. A. and Côté, R. P. (eds), Journal of Cleaner Production, 1997. 5(1/2), pp 115-121 (available at
  36. "Empirical Approaches for the Investigation of Toxicant-Induced Loss of Tolerance", C. Miller, N. Ashford, R. Doty, M. Lamielle, D. Otto, A. Rahill and L. Wallace, Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol 105, Supplement 2, March 1997, pp 515-519. (available at )
  37. "The Influence of Information-based Initiatives and Negotiated Environmental  Agreements on Technological Change", Working Paper (Nota di Lavoro) 16.97 from an International conference on the Economics and Law of Voluntary Approaches in Environmental Policy, Venice, November 18-19, 1996.
  38. "The Role of Labour in Choosing and Implementing Information-based Technologies" in Work in the Information Society, Proceedings of the International Symposium, 20-22 May 1996, Finish Institute of Occupational Health, Helsinki 1996, pp 56-63.
  39. "Low-level Chemical Sensitivity: Current Perspectives" International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 1996. 68:367-376.
  40. "Monitoring the Worker and the Community for Chemical Exposures and Disease: Legal and Ethical Considerations in the U.S." The Science of the Total Environment 1996. 184:45-49.
  41. "Health, Safety and Environment: The Role of the Firm" (In Greek) "Υγεια, Ασφαλεια και Περιβαλλov", Βιoπoλιτικη: Στρατηγικη Τωv Επιχειρησεωv Για Τo Βιo-περιβαλλov, Τoμoς III: 160-173, Διεθvης Oργαvωση Βιoπoλιτικης, ISBN 960-85704-3-3, Athens, Greece 1996.
  42. Worker Compensation for Radiation-Induced Illness: A Re-examination of Past Practices and Options for Change, A Report to the Department of Energy, N. A. Ashford, C. C. Caldart, D. B. Hattis, and R. F. Stone, July 1996.
  43. Identification of Pollution Prevention (PP) Technologies for Possible Inclusion in Enforcement Agreements Using Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEPS) and Injunctive Relief: A Report to the Environmental Protection Agency, N. A. Ashford and  D. M. Stratikopoulos, May 8, 1996.
  44. Evaluation of the Relevance for Worker Health and Safety of Existing Environmental Technology Data-bases for Cleaner and Inherently Safer Technologies: A Report to the European Commission, Ashford, N., Banoutsos, I., Christiansen, K., Hummelmose, B. and Stratikopoulos, D. April 1996.
  45. "Disclosure of Interest:  A Time for Clarity," Letter to the Editor, American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 1995, Vol. 28, pp 581-582. 
  46. "Beware Regulatory Paralysis," Chemistry & Industry, No. 1,  January 1, 1996, London, p.36.
  47.  "Chemical Sensitivity: Perspectives from North America and Europe," C.S. Miller and N. A. Ashford, Proceedings of the Conference on Healthy Buildings '95:  An International Conference on Healthy Buildings in Mild Climates, Milan, September 11-14, 1995, 19 pages.
  48. Chemical Sensitivity in Selected European Countries:  An Exploratory Study, Nicholas A. Ashford et al., A Report to the European Commission, November 1995. 
  49. "Exploiting Opportunities for Pollution Prevention in EPA Enforcement Agreements," Monica Becker and Nicholas Ashford, Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 29 No. 5, August 1995, American Chemical Society, pp 220A-226A.  Available at
  50. "Regulaciones ambientales y laborales como estimulo de la competitividad," Carlos Santos Burgoa,  Nicholas Ashford, y Patricia Hernandez, in Comercio Exterior, Agosto de 1995, pp 615-622.
  51. "Risk Assessment Folly," Human Environment:  The International Environmental Policy Newsletter, Stockholm, June 1995, p 2.
  52. "The Proposed US Legislation on Risk Assessment and Cost-Benefit Analysis for New Regulations: A Critical Appraisal," Human Environment: The International Environmental Policy Newsletter, Stockholm, June 1995, p 4.
  53. "Recent Experience Encouraging the Use of Pollution Prevention in Enforcement Settlements B Final Report," Monica M. Becker and Nicholas A. Ashford, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Final Report, EPA 300-R-95-006; NTIS No. PB95232781, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, May 1995. 
  54. "International Control of Occupational and Environmental Health Hazards," International Journal of Hazards/Occupational and Environmental Health, Vol. 1, No. 2, April-June 1995, pp 142-147.
  55. "Legal and Regulatory Roundtable:  Exposure Information Databases," Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, Vol. 10, No. 4, April 1995, pp 1-2. 
  56. "Reforming Safety and Health Regulation:  Prospects and Pitfalls," in Proceedings of the Forty-Seventh Annual Meeting, Industrial Relations Research Association  (IRRA), January 6-8, 1995, pp 293-294.  
  57. Designing the Sustainable Enterprise: Research Needs and Policy Implications for a Sustainable Future, Nicholas A. Ashford and Ralph Meima, Summary Report of the Second International Research Conference held November 1993, Tufts University, Supplement to Business Strategy and the Environment, Vol. 3, Part 2, 1994, 40 pp.   
  58. Government Strategies and Policies for Cleaner Production, United Nations Environmental Program, Paris, 1994, ISBN 92-807-1442-2, 32 pp.  Available at
  59. "Monitoring the Worker and the Community for Chemical Exposure and Disease: Legal and Ethical Considerations in the U.S.," Clinical Chemistry, 40/7B Supplement,  pp. 1426-1437, July 1994. Available at
  60. "Chemicals and Human Health: Taking Stock," Human Environment: The International Environmental Policy Analysis Newsletter, Stockholm, February 1994, pp 2-3. 
  61. "Chemical Sensitivity: An Emerging Public Health and Environmental Problem," Nicholas A. Ashford and Claudia S. Miller, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Volume 14, Number 3,  June 1993, pp 451-467. 
  62. "Occupational Health and Safety in the European Community," Bulletin of the Society for Occupational and Environmental Health, Volume II, Number 4, Winter 1993, pp 4-5.
  63. The Encouragement of Technological Change for Preventing Chemical Accidents: Moving Firms from Secondary Prevention and Mitigation to Primary Prevention, N.A. Ashford et al., A Report to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Center for Technology, Policy and Industrial Development at MIT, Cambridge, MA, July 1993.  Available at
  64. "Recycling the Plastic Package" R.F. Stone, A. J. Sagar, N.A. Ashford, Technology Review, Volume 95, Number 5, July 1992, pp. 48-56.
  65. Package Deal: The Economic Impacts of Recycling Standards for Packaging in Massachusetts, Robert F. Stone and Nicholas A. Ashford, March 1991.
  66. The Art Of The Possible: The Feasibility of Recycling Standards for Packaging, Robert F. Stone, Nicholas A. Ashford, and Geoffrey Lomax, February 1991.
  67. "Policy Considerations for Anticipating and Preventing Accidents," Proceedings of Enprotech '91 International Environmental Conference, Taiwan, 30-31 January 1991.
  68. "Outcome versus Process in Decision Making," Nicholas A. Ashford, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1990, 572:76-78.
  69. Chemical Sensitivity, N.A. Ashford and C.S. Miller, A Report to the New Jersey Department of Health, December 1989.
  70. "Legislative Approaches for Encouraging Clean Technology," in Proceedings of the IX UOEH International Symposium and the First Pan Pacific Cooperative Symposium on Industrialization and Emerging Environmental Health Issues: Risk Assessment and Risk Management, Kitakyushu, Japan, 2-6 October, 1989.
  71. "Science and Technology in the Regulatory Process," Nicholas A. Ashford, Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology and Government, October 1989.
  72. The Role of Insurance and Financial Responsibility Requirements in Preventing and Compensating Damage from Environmental Risks, Nicholas A. Ashford, Sharon Moran and Robert F. Stone, Center for Technology, Policy and Industrial Development at MIT, CTPID 89-1, 1989.
  73. "Overview of a Conference on Environmental/Occupational Health Training" Nicholas A. Ashford, in Toxicology and Industrial Health, Vol. 5, No. 4, 1989.
  74. "An Agenda For The Future" Nicholas A. Ashford, in Toxicology And industrial Health, Vol. 5, No. 4, 1989.
  75. The Design of Programs to Encourage Hazardous Waste Reduction: An Incentives Analysis, N.A. Ashford, A. Cozakos, R. F. Stone and K. Wessel, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Science and Research, October 1988.
  76. "Science and Values in the Regulatory Process," Nicholas A. Ashford, in Statistical Science, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Volume 3, Number 3, August 1988, pp. 377-383.
  77. Cost-Benefit Analysis in Environmental Decision-Making: Theoretical Considerations and Applications to Protection of Stratospheric Ozone, N.A. Ashford and R.F. Stone, April 1988, manuscript.
  78. "Regulation and Technology Options: The Case of Occupational Exposure to Formaldehyde," K.M. Rest and N.A. Ashford, Harvard Journal of Law and Technology, Volume 1, Spring 1988, pp. 63-96.
  79. The Role of the Primary Care Physician in Legal Aspects of Occupation Health, N.A. Ashford, prepared for the National Academy of Sciences/Institute of Medicine Committee on the Role of the Physician in Occupational and Environmental Medicine, October 1987.
  80. The Role of Changes in Statutory/Tort Law and Liability in Preventing and Compensating Damages from Future Releases of Hazardous Waste, Nicholas A. Ashford, Sharon Moran and Robert F. Stone, with contributions from Gordon Bloom and Daniel Nyhart, a Report to the Special Legislative Commission on Liability for Releases of Oil and Hazardous Material, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, October 1987.
  81. "Economic Incentives To Promote Source Reduction: A Conceptual Framework," R.F. Stone and N.A. Ashford, Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference on Hazardous Waste Source Reduction, October 21-22, 1987, Boston, Massachusetts.
  82. "New Scientific Evidence and Public Health Imperatives," N.A. Ashford, in Environmental Impact Assessment Review 27, Volume 7, Number 3, September 1987, pp. 203-206.
  83. "Changes and Opportunities in the Environment for Technology Bargaining," Nicholas A. Ashford and Christine Ayers, Notre Dame Law Review, Volume 62, Number 5, June 1987, pp. 810-858. Available at
  84. "New Scientific Evidence and Public Health Imperatives," N.A. Ashford, in New England Journal of Medicine, Volume 316, Number 17, April 23, 1987, pp. 1084-1085.
  85. "Technology Bargaining Keeps Labor and Management Interests Balanced," Nicholas A. Ashford and Christine Ayers, Occupational Health and Safety News Digest, Volume 3, Number 2, February 1987, page 1.
  86. "Ethical Problems in Using Science in the Regulatory Process," N.A. Ashford and K.A. Gregory, in Natural Resources and the Environment, American Bar Association, November 1986, pp. 13-16, 55-57.
  87. "Policy Considerations for Human Monitoring in the Workplace," N.A. Ashford, Journal of Occupational Medicine, Volume 28, Number 8, August 1986, pp. 563-568.
  88. "Medical Screening in the Workplace: Legal and Ethical Considerations," N.A. Ashford, Seminars in Occupational Medicine, Volume 1, Number 1, March 1986, pp. 67-79.
  89. "Policy Issues for Consideration in Transferring Technology to Developing Countries," N. A. Ashford and Christine Ayers, Ecology Law Quarterly, School of Law, University of California, Berkeley, Volume 12:4, 1985, pp. 871-905.
  90. "Using Regulation to Change the Market for Innovation," N.A. Ashford, C. Ayers, R.F. Stone, Harvard Environmental Law Review, Volume 9, Number 2, Summer 1985, pp. 419-466. Available at
  91. Letter to the Editor, "Regulation of Biotechnology," Issues in Science and Technology, National Academy of Science, Volume 1, Number 4, Summer 1985, p. 20.
  92. The Impact of Office Automation on the Quality of Worklife: Policy Implications, N.A. Ashford, Contractor Report for the Office of Technology Assessment, U.S. Congress, May 1, 1985.
  93. Evaluating the Economic Impact of Chemical Regulation: Methodological Issues, N. Ashford and Robert F. Stone, Prepared for the Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Physical Planning and Environment, February 1985.
  94. "Control of Transfer of Technology," N.A. Ashford, The New York Times, December 9, 1984, p. 2F.
  95. "Human Monitoring: Scientific, Legal, and Ethical Considerations," Nicholas A. Ashford, Christine J. Spadafor, and Charles C. Caldart, Harvard Environmental Law Review, Volume 8, Issue 2, Summer 1984, pp. 263-363. Available at
  96. "Advisory Committees in OSHA and EPA: Their Use in Regulatory Decision-Making," Science, Technology, & Human Values, Volume 9, Issue 1, Winter 1984, pp. 72-82. Available at
  97. "The Use of Technical Information in Environmental, Health, and Safety Regulation:  A Brief Guide to the Issues," Science, Technology, & Human Values, Winter, 1984, pp. 130-133.
  98. Economic Considerations in the Regulation of Occupational Health and Safety, manuscript prepared for Hastings-on-the-Hudson, NY, 1983. 
  99. "Regulation and Technological Innovation in the Chemical Industry," Nicholas A. Ashford and George R. Heaton, Jr., Law and Contemporary Problems, Duke University School of Law, Volume 46, Number 3, Summer 1983, pp. 109-157.  Available at
  100. "Law and Science Policy in Federal Regulation of Formaldehyde," Nicholas A. Ashford, William C. Ryan and Charles C. Caldart, in Science, 25 November 1983, Volume 222, pp. 894-900. Available at 
  101. "Framework Provides Path Through Right-to-Know Law," Occupational Health & Safety, October 1983, pp. 11-19, 25-27.
  102. "The Control of Reproductive Hazards in the Workplace: A Prescription for Prevention," Nicholas A. Ashford and Charles C. Caldart, Industrial Relations Law Journal, Volume 5, Issue 3, 1983, pp. 523-563. Available at
  103. "A Hard Look at Federal Regulation of Formaldehyde: A Departure from Reasoned Decision-Making," Nicholas A. Ashford, William C. Ryan, and Charles C. Caldart, Harvard Environmental Law Review, Volume 7: 927, 1983. Available at
  104. "A  Framework for Examining the Effects of Industrial Funding on Academic Freedom and the Integrity of the University," Science, Technology & Human Values, April 1983, pp.16-23.
  105. "Legal Mechanisms for Controlling Reproductive Hazards in the Workplace," Journal of Occupational Health and Safety, February 1983, pp. 11-12, 39-42.
  106. "Risk Assessment and the Design of Policy of Worker Protection," American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Volume 3: 241-242, January 1983.
  107. "Regulation of Cancer-Causing Substances: Another Point of View," Dale Hattis, Nicholas A. Ashford and J. Herbert Hollomon, Chemical and Engineering News, December 13, 1982, pp. 35-37.
  108. Regulating Vinyl Chloride in the Workplace, N.A. Ashford, W.M. Mendez, Jr., Boston: Public Policy and Management Program for Case/Course Development (Harvard University), September 1982: Case (63p) 9-380-795; Teaching Note (18p) 5-380-721; each available through the Center for Policy Alternatives, MIT.
  109. "The Regulatory Reform Act of 1982," Guest Editorial in Environmental Science & Technology, Volume 16, Number 7, September 16, 1982.
  110. "Regulatory Reform Act," Letter to the Editor, Chemical & Engineering News, April 5, 1982, p. 3.
  111. "Airborne Lead: A Double Standard in Worker/Public Protection?" Dale Hattis, Robert Goble and Nicholas A. Ashford, Environment, Volume 24, Number 1, January/February 1982, pp. 14-20, 33-42.
  112. "Cost-Benefit Analysis in Health and Safety Decisions: Can Balance Be Achieved?" Occupational Health & Safety, May 1982, pp. 10-12, 42-45.
  113. Supporting Innovation: A Policy Study, EPA-560/12-80-002, N.A. Ashford et al., October 1980.
  114. "Occupational Safety and Health: A Report on Worker Perceptions," Richard L. Frenkel, W. Curtiss Priest and Nicholas A. Ashford,  Monthly Labor Review, September 1980, pp. 11-14.
  115. "Alternatives to Cost-Benefit Analysis in Regulatory Decisions," Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 363, April 30, 1981, pp. 129-137. Available at
  116. "In Many Cases, Regulation Pays," Editorial, The New York Times, June 15, 1980.
  117. "The Limits of Cost-Benefit Analysis in Regulatory Decisions," Technology Review, MIT, May 1980, pp. 70-72.
  118. Mobilizing National Resources for the Control of Occupational Cancer, Final Report submitted to the Office of Technology Assessment, U.S. Congress, Contract No. OTA-C-78-293, April 1980.
  119. Benefits of Environmental, Health, and Safety Regulations, Nicholas A. Ashford et al., prepared for the Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate Committee Print, March 25, 1980.
  120. The Role of Regulation in Stimulating New Technology, Swedish-American Conference on Chemical Hazards in the Work Environment, U.S. Department of Labor, March 4-7, 1980.
  121. "Regulation Costs," Letter to the Business Editor, The New York Times, November 18, 1979.
  122. "Federal Control of Toxic Substances in the Environment and Workplace: Legal, Regulatory and Scientific Complexities," Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 329, October 26, 1979, pp. 246-253.
  123. "Protection: How?" presentation at the American Chemical Society National Meeting: "Federal Control of Toxic Substances in the Workplace and General Environment: Legal, Regulatory, and Scientific Complexities," symposium on the Anatomy of Regulations, Miami, September 12, 1978, published in Chemtech, October 1979, pp. 608-611.
  124. "Regulation of Technical Innovation," N.A. Ashford and G.R. Heaton, EPA Journal, September 1979, pp. 32-34.
  125. "Role of the Knowledge of High-Risk Groups in Occupational Health Policies and Practices," Environmental Health Perspectives, Volume 29, April 1979, pp. 148-150.
  126. Environmental/Safety Regulation and Technological Change in the U.S. Chemical Industry, Final Report submitted to the National Science Foundation, Contract No. PRA-76-21368, 1979.
  127. "A Plea for a New Kind of Realism," The New York Times, Sunday, December 17, 1978, p. 16.
  128. "Nicholas Ashford on Occupational Safety and Health," interview in Job and Safety and Health, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration publication, Volume 6, Number 6, June 1978, pp. 12-14.
  129. "The Role of Occupational Health and Safety in Industrial Relations: Where We Are and Where We're Going," Volume XV, Number 2, Cornell University, Spring 1978, pp. 24-29.
  130. "Government Influence on the Process of Innovation in Europe and Japan," with T.J. Allen et al., Research Policy, Volume 7, Number 2, April 1978, pp. 124-149.
  131. Letter to the Editor, Regulation, March-April 1978, in response to "Safety at Any Price, Walter Oi, Regulation, November-December 1977, pp. 55-56.
  132. "The Role of Risk Assessment and Cost-Benefit Analysis in Decisions Concerning Safety and the Environment," from the Proceedings of the FDA Symposium on Risk-Benefit Decisions and the Public Health, Colorado Springs, February 17, 1978; FDA, Office of Health Affairs, HEW-FDA #80-1069, 1980, pp. 159-168.
  133. "Unsafe Working Conditions: Employee Rights Under LMRA and OSHA," N.A. Ashford and J.I. Katz, Notre Dame Lawyer, Volume 52, Number 5, June 1977, pp. 802-836. Available at
  134. "Research in Occupational Safety and Health," proceedings of a conference on International Perspectives of Occupational Health, University of Toronto, May 2-3, 1977.
  135. "Regulation and Innovation in the Pharmaceutical Industry," N.A. Ashford, S.E. Butler and E.M. Zolt, presented to the HEW Review Panel on New Drug Regulation, released July 1977.
  136. "Don't Ignore Legal and Ethical Concerns in Job Health and Safety," Occupational Health & Safety, March 1977, pp. 24-29.
  137. "Environmental/Safety Regulation: Technological Responses and Innovation," N.A. Ashford and G.R. Heaton, International Competition in the Management of Shrinking Resources, W. R. Schmeal (ed.), AICHE Symposium Series, Volume 73, Number 170, 1977.
  138. Industrial Prospects for Chitin and Protein from Shellfish Wastes: A Report on the First Marine Industries Business Strategy Program, Marine Industry Advisory Service, N.A. Ashford, D. Hattis, A.E. Murray, MIT Sea Grant Program, MITSG 77-3, 1977.
  139. "Cancer, OSHA, and the Informed Worker," Public Information in the Prevention of Occupational Cancer: Proceedings of a Symposium, National Academy of Sciences, December 1976.
  140. "Regulating Occupational Health and Safety: The Real Issues," Challenge, November-December 1976, pp. 39-42.
  141. "The Chemist's Responsibility for Materials," Chemtech, November 1976, pp. 676-680.
  142. "The Relevance of the Foreign Experience to the Occupational Safety and Health Problems in Small Business," N.A. Ashford, S. Gorski and G.R. Heaton, Occupational Safety and Health Administration's Impact on Small Business, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, July 1976.
  143. "Industrial Applications of Chitin and Chitin Derivatives," N.A. Ashford, D. Hattis, A.E. Murray, and K. Seo, Interocean '76, proceedings of a conference, Dusseldorf, Germany, June 6, 1976.
  144. National Support for Science and Technology: An Examination of the Foreign Experience, N.A. Ashford (ed.), MIT Center for Policy Alternatives, CPA-75-12/Volumes I & II, May 15, 1976.
  145. "The Magnitude of the Occupational Health Problem," Proceedings of the Interdepartmental Workers' Compensation Task Force Conference on Occupational Disease and Workers' Compensation, Chicago, February 10-12, 1976.
  146. Some Considerations in Choosing an Occupational Noise Exposure Regulation, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA 550/9-76-007, February 1976.
  147. "Environmental and Safety Regulations: Reasons for Their Adoption and Possible Effects on Technological Innovation," Environmental Policy and Law, Geneva, Switzerland, February 1976, pp. 172-176.
  148. Critique on "Current Role of the Federal Government in Drug-Related R & D: What Is It and What Should It Be?" Proceedings of the Third Seminar on Pharmaceutical Innovation, December 15-16, 1975, pp. 410-411.
  149. Critique on "Socially Optimal Results from Drug Research, Proceedings of the Third Seminar on Pharmaceutical Innovation, December 15-16, 1975, pp. 370-379.
  150. "Government Regulation: The Impact on Technological Innovation," Professional Engineer, December 1975, pp. 31-33.
  151. "Worker Health and Safety: An Area of Conflicts," Monthly Labor Review, Volume 98, Number 9, September 1975, pp. 3-11.